Serialization in async/await world

In the pre-concurrency world, we had a useful concept of serialization when we worked with dispatch queues. But in async/await this concept seems to be missing. Let’s implement execution serialization ourselves.

What is serialization?

A good example of the use case for serialization is a token refresh mechanism. Our server requests might be parallel to speed up the loading of the screen, but the token refresh must be performed exclusively; all the other requests must wait for the refresh to complete before they can proceed. Typically, this is implemented using concurrent DispatchQueue and a barrier to refresh the token. Here is a toy example:

struct Request { /*...*/ }
struct Response { /*...*/ }
enum Error: Swift.Error { case unauthorized }

class Service {
	var token: String = ""
	let synchronizationQueue = DispatchQueue(
		label: "service.queue",
		attributes: .concurrent

	func perform(request: Request) -> Response {
		let token = synchronizationQueue.sync { self.token }

		// perform the request

		return Response()

	func refreshToken() {
		synchronizationQueue.async(flags: .barrier) {
			// .barrier means the block is executed on the queue
			// exclusively, without any other executing at the same time

			// refresh token

But in modern concurrency, there is no such concept as serialization. One can think that actors give us just that since they eliminate the data race and the code in actor is guaranteed to be executed exclusively, but it’s not enough.

actor Service {
	var token: String = ""

	func perform(request: Request) async throws -> Response {
		try /*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/await/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/ /*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/actualFunctionThatPerforms(request: request, token: token)/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/

	func refreshToken() async throws {
		try /*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/await/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/ /*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/actualFunctionThatRefreshes(token: token)/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/

Every await in the code above is a suspension point. Even though data race is not possible when using actors, race condition is. When we wait for some function, the execution on the actor suspends, and now it’s free to execute other code that is scheduled. It’s easy to see that when we await a request in refreshToken(), the execution suspends, and the actor is now free to execute any other requests or even other calls to refreshToken() with the same expired token. We need a way to serialize the execution while using modern concurrency to make sure that our refreshTokens() finished before we can proceed. First, let’s imagine how it would look.

The suggested API

Here is what our serialization service will look like: we have serialize(_:) method that accepts the closure to be executed exclusively in the serialized context.

// WARNING: This code does not compile yet. It is only
// for you to see the possible usage of our API
actor SerializationService {
	/// The method for execution serizalization. Every subsequent
	/// call suspends execution before the first one finishes, then the next
	/// one continues, and so on.
	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @escaping @Sendable () async -> T
	) async -> T {
		/* to be implemented */


@Sendable is a special attribute signaling to the compiler that our closure is safe to use in the async context. It means that it only interacts with other Sendable types, the values it captures are Sendable and copied. Think of it as async-safe, similarly to thread-safe.

Implementing serialization

Now, how do we actually implement it? Well, let’s start simple and refine our solution as we go further. First, we need a way to know if the operation is going already:

actor SerializationService {
	var operationGoing = false

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @escaping @Sendable () async -> T
	) async -> T {
		if operationGoing {
			// wait until it's done
		defer { operationGoing = false }

		operationGoing = true
		return await closure()

But how do we wait until the current task is done? Well, we can wrap our operation in the Task and await its value:

actor SerializationService {
	var currentTask: Task<Void, Never>?

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @escaping @Sendable () async -> T
	) async -> T {
		if let currentTask {
			await currentTask.value
		defer { currentTask = nil }
		let task = Task {
			await closure()
		// we create a new one for subsequent calls to await on
		currentTask = Task { 
			_ = await task.value
		return await task.value

Now we know if something is already going on. Our method works fine for two subsequent calls, but if we call it three times, our second and third calls will awaken after the first one finishes. This is easily fixed by rewriting our if statement to be while instead:

actor SerializationService {
	var currentTask: Task<Void, Never>?

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @escaping @Sendable () async -> T
	) async -> T {
		while let currentTask {
			await currentTask.value // 1
		defer { currentTask = nil }
		let task = Task {
			await closure()
		currentTask = Task { 
			// we cannot just cast our task, so we create a new one for 
			// subsequent calls to await
			_ = await task.value
		return await task.value // 2

If there is a task going, we wait until it’s finished, and then one of the subsequent tasks continues. It might seem fine, but there is a catch. You see, the order in which the tasks awaiting a value are awakened is not guaranteed by the framework, and we can easily get ourselves into a situation where our first await will gain control before the second, and there will be an infinite loop because the currentTask will never be nilled. We need a way to transfer the control back to the second one in that case, and it turns out there is a special method for just that.

actor SerializationService {
	var currentTask: Task<Void, Never>?

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @escaping @Sendable () async -> T
	) async -> T {
		while let currentTask {
			await currentTask.value // 1
			await Task.yield()
		defer { currentTask = nil }
		let task = Task {
			await closure()
		currentTask = Task { 
			// we cannot just cast our task, so we create a new one for 
			// subsequent calls to await on
			_ = await task.value
		return await task.value // 2

Task.yield() suspends the current function and transfers control to another task, and, at some point in the future, the code after our second await will continue. And now we don’t even need a task to await in subsequent calls; we can replace it with a Bool value indicating that there is an ongoing operation in progress:

actor SerializationService {
	var operationRunning = false

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @escaping @Sendable () async -> T
	) async -> T {
		while operationRunning {
			await Task.yield()
		defer { operationRunning = false }

		operationRunning = true
		return await closure()

We can also remove the @escaping attribute since our closure is called directly in the method.

actor SerializationService {
	var operationRunning = false

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @Sendable () async -> T
	) async -> T {
		while operationRunning {
			await Task.yield()
		defer { operationRunning = false }

		operationRunning = true
		return await closure()

Now that we have a basic implementation, let’s enhance it.


What if our serialized function at some point calls another one that also serializes its execution? Then we get an async/await version of a deadlock. We need to make the serialize(_:) method reentrant. First, we want to store multiple current tasks. Second, we need a way to know if we’re in a serialized context right now. Let’s define our currentTasks as a dictionary instead of a single task:

actor SerializationService {
	var operationRunning: [/*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/Key/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/: Bool] = [:]

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @Sendable () async -> T
	) async -> T {
		let key = /*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/Key()/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/
		while operationRunning[key, default: false] {
			await Task.yield()
		defer { operationRunning[key] = false }

		operationRunning[key] = true
		return await closure()

Now what about the key? Let’s have the depth of the recursive calls as the key to our dictionary:

actor SerializationService {
	var operationRunning: [/*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/Key/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/: Bool] = [:]

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @Sendable () async -> T
	) async -> T {
		let key = /*@START_MENU_TOKEN@*/currentDepth/*@END_MENU_TOKEN@*/
		while operationRunning[key, default: false] {
			await Task.yield()
		defer { operationRunning[key] = false }

		operationRunning[key] = true
		return await closure()

But how do we get the current depth? TaskLocals can help!


TaskLocal is a special property wrapper for storing data in unique storage for each task. It is similar to thread local variables. The difference between task locals and thread locals is that task local values are inherited (copied) by the child task. And we can change the task local variable for the concrete task using TaskLocal’s projected value’s method withValue(_:operation:) to override the value for the given operation. Let’s do just that.

actor SerializationService {
	static var currentDepth = 0

	var operationRunning: [Int: Bool] = [:]

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @Sendable () async -> T
	) async -> T {
		let key = SerializationService.currentDepth
		while operationRunning[key, default: false] {
			await Task.yield()
		defer { operationRunning[key] = false }

		operationRunning[key] = true
		return await SerializationService.$currentDepth.withValue(key + 1) {
			await closure()

Now our serialization method allows reentrancy, but it only accepts closures that don’t throw, yet most of the time the functions we’ll pass here will be throwing, so let’s fix that.

Making our closure throwing

If we simply make our method throwing, we lose the ability to use it with non-throwing functions. One possible alternative is rethrows.


One of the coolest Swift features is the transparent conversion of non-throwing functions to throwing ones. And the rethrows keyword allows us to write a single method for both of them. Take a look at Array’s map(_:) method’s signature:

func map<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]

It accepts a throwing function, yet it does not throw itself when we pass it a non-throwing one:

let array = [0, 1, 2, 3]
let increased = { $0 + 1 } // no try keyword needed

This is cool, but its semantics are slightly different than it might seem. When you call Array’s map(_:) with a throwing parameter, you know that it will only throw the error you throw in the closure, but it’s not necessary that the type of error be the same. The function that accepts throwing closure and has rethrows in its signature may actually substitute the error:

struct MapError<Element>: Error {
  var failedElement: Element
  var underlyingError: any Error

extension Collection {
  func mapEnriched<T>(body: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T] {
    var result: [T] = []
    for element in self {
      do {
        result.append(try body(element))
      } catch {
        // Provide more information about the failure
        throw MapError(failedElement: element, underlyingError: error)
    return result

Right now, rethrows is the only option for us, but there is another way in the future version of Swift. To use it, you need to change the Swift toolchain and enable the feature, but let’s talk about it now, so that I don’t need to edit this article once this feature is available. And this feature is typed throws.

Typed throws

This feature allows us to specialize the type of error thrown from a function, and we can write a function that rethrows the same type of error:

func select<P, R, E: Swift.Error>(
	_ parameter1: P,
	_ parameter2: P
	operation: (P) throws(E) -> R
) throws(E) -> T {
	do {
		return try operation(parameter1)
	} catch {
		return try operation(parameter2)

It works the same way as rethrows in the sense that it doesn’t throw if the operation doesn’t, but when it does, it throws exactly the same type of error that operation throws. So we can utilize typed throws at the call site:

enum Error: Swift.Error {
	case parameterInvalid
	case somethingWrong

func inverse(number: Double) throws(Error) -> Double {
	guard number != 0 else { throw .parameterInvalid }
	guard !Task.isCancelled else { throw .somethingWrong }

	return 1 / number

do {
	print(try select(0, 0, operation: inverse(number:)))
} catch {
	switch error {
	case .parameterInvalid:
		print("Invalid parameters")
	case .somethingWrong:
		print("Task is cancelled")

We can do the same for our serialization method, as it doesn’t have its own errors. But this feature is not live yet, so let’s stick to the rethrows. To start supporting throwing functions, we only need to mark the closure and the method as throws and rethrows respectively, and put the try operator in the places it needs to be in.

actor SerializationService {
	static var currentDepth = 0

	var operationRunning: [Int: Bool] = [:]

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @Sendable () async throws -> T
	) async rethrows -> T {
		let key = SerializationService.currentDepth
		while operationRunning[key, default: false] {
			await Task.yield()
		defer { operationRunning[key] = false }

		operationRunning[key] = true
		return try await SerializationService.$currentDepth.withValue(key + 1) {
			try await closure()

That’s it. We have a working serialization mechanism. Although there is one minor optimization we’re about to make. Right now, whenever our code is awakened in the while cycle, we immediately yield control back if there is an already going task. This might be okay, as it’s really inexpensive, but it’s not free. If you have lots of long running tasks and lots of them are in queue for serialization, you might want to remove all the unnecessary control transfers because it adds a lot of overhead in that case. We need a way to only awaken the waiting methods if the task is finished.

Waiting before the task finishes

We can’t just put our operation in a task to await in subsequent calls, as we did earlier, because our closure must not escape. There is a special global function withoutActuallyEscaping(_:do:) that transforms a non-escaping closure into an escaping one. It’s there for cases just like this, when we know our closure does not escape even if we use the code that only accepts escaping closure. But, unfortunately, there is no such function for async closures. We need another way to create a reference to our ongoing operation. And there is a special instrument that will help us, continuations.


Continuation is basically the state of the program at some point in time. Actually, when we write async code, the compiler splits our functions into multiple continuations:

func performSomeWork() async {
	try? await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: NSEC_PER_SEC)

func asyncFunc() async {
	await performSomeWork()
	await preformSomeWork()

Our asyncFunc is split by the compiler into three parts. The first part just gets executed when we call the function; the parts 2 and 3 are continuations. They encapsulate all the state (task locals, stack, call stack, etc.), and when the performSomeWork finishes and returns control back, the continuation is resumed and the program continues where it left off. In Swift, we can create our own continuation. Their primary use case is wrapping old callback-based asynchronous functions to use them in async code as if they were async.

func loadInt(then operation: @escaping (Int) -> Void) {
	// Imitate loading {

func loadInt() async -> Int {
	await withCheckedContinuation { c in
		loadInt(then: c.resume(returning:))

But we can also store the continuation and resume it later, when our operation is complete. Let’s try:

actor SerializationService {
	static var currentDepth = 0

	var currentTasks: [Int: Task<Void, Never>] = [:]

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @Sendable () async throws -> T
	) async rethrows -> T {
		let key = SerializationService.currentDepth
		while let current = currentTasks[key] {
			await current.value
			await Task.yield()
		var continuation: CheckedContinuation<Void, Never>?
		let task = Task {
			await withCheckedContinuation { c in
				continuation = c // error

		defer { 
			currentTasks[key] = nil
		currentTasks[key] = task
		return try await SerializationService.$currentDepth
			.withValue(key + 1) {
				try await closure()

But we can’t do just that:


Mutation of captured var ‘continuation’ in concurrently-executing code

Our continuation is captured by the closure we pass in the withCheckedContinuation function, but we cannot mutate it because the compiler can’t guarantee that it’s accessed exclusively. But as we know, there is a special type designed for eliminating data races, and our SerializationService is an example of that type. Actors prevent data races by guaranteeing exclusive access to their properties. And Tasks inherit not only task local values but also so-called actor context. Basically, it means that the closure you pass to Task.init is executed on the same actor you call Task.init from. Which means we can mutate its properties freely. So we need to store the continuation somewhere in our actor. Let’s do just that:

actor SerializationService {
	typealias AwaitableTask = Task<Void, Never>
	typealias Continuation = CheckedContinuation<Void, Never>

	static var currentDepth = 0

	var currentTasks: [Int: AwaitableTask] = [:]
	var currentContinuations: [Int: Continuation] = [:]

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @Sendable () async throws -> T
	) async rethrows -> T {
		let key = SerializationService.currentDepth
		while let current = currentTasks[key] { // /*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/1/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/
			await current.value
			await Task.yield()

		let task = Task { // /*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/2/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/
			await withCheckedContinuation { c in
				currentContinuations[key] = c

		defer { // /*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/3/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/
			let continuation = currentContinuations[key]
			currentTasks[key] = nil
			currentContinuations[key] = nil
		currentTasks[key] = task // /*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/4/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/
		return try await SerializationService.$currentDepth
			.withValue(key + 1) {
				try await closure()

Before we fix some non-obvious mistakes, let’s go through the code to see them. The code before the creation of the task (1) is almost the same, and it works as expected. When we create a task (2), we might think that the closure we pass in the init is called immediately, but it’s not. You see, the closure must be performed in the same actor context (i.e., on the same actor), but the Task.init is not async and it doesn’t suspend our method when we call it. This means that the closure we pass in the init is actually scheduled to run on the same actor somewhere in the future. Let’s remember that. Next, in the defer body (3), we get the continuation for the task we created, nil out the task, and then call resume() method to awaken all the awaiting tasks. Then, we set the created task in our dictionary (4) and perform the operation. You might already see the problem, but if not, let me highlight it. The default value for our continuation is nil when we set it (4), and because the Task (2) does not execute its closure immediately, we might find ourselves in a situation where we have already finished running our operation, but there is still no continuation for us to resume. We need to wait until the continuation is present before finishing our method; luckily, we already know how to do it. We can use Task.yield to give up control until we get the continuation.

actor SerializationService {
	typealias AwaitableTask = Task<Void, Never>
	typealias Continuation = CheckedContinuation<Void, Never>

	static var currentDepth = 0

	var currentTasks: [Int: AwaitableTask] = [:]
	var currentContinuations: [Int: Continuation] = [:]

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @Sendable () async throws -> T
	) async rethrows -> T {
		let key = SerializationService.currentDepth
		while let current = currentTasks[key] { // /*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/1/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/
			await current.value
			await Task.yield()

		let task = Task { // /*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/2/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/
			await withCheckedContinuation { c in
				currentContinuations[key] = c

		defer { // /*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/3/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/
			let continuation = currentContinuations[key]
			currentTasks[key] = nil
			currentContinuations[key] = nil
		currentTasks[key] = task // /*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/4/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/
		let result =  try await SerializationService.$currentDepth
			.withValue(key + 1) {
				try await closure()
		while currentContinuations[key] == nil {
			await Task.yield() // /*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/5/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/

		return result

Now we fixed the continuation mistake, and the code might seem fine as is, but there is another problem.

Priority inversion

Priority inversion is a scenario in which a higher-priority task is waiting for a lower-priority task before it can proceed. We want to avoid such situations as much as we can. One might think that priority inversion is not possible since a task’s priority can be escalated if another task with a higher priority is awaiting it. Well, yes, but the important thing here is that we need to await the task’s value in order to escalate its priority. In the code above, the only place where we await on the task we create is the while loop (1), but it happens in the other context, and the priority escalation only happens up to the subsequent call’s priority. Although it’s not easy, we can run in the situation where our code waiting for the continuation to be present will be awakened multiple times while the Task that creates the continuation won’t run because it has a lower priority. We can fix it by assigning .high priority to the task we create:

actor SerializationService {
	typealias AwaitableTask = Task<Void, Never>
	typealias Continuation = CheckedContinuation<Void, Never>

	static var currentDepth = 0

	var currentTasks: [Int: AwaitableTask] = [:]
	var currentContinuations: [Int: Continuation] = [:]

	func serialize<T>(
		_ closure: @Sendable () async throws -> T
	) async rethrows -> T {
		let key = SerializationService.currentDepth
		while let current = currentTasks[key] {
			await current.value
			await Task.yield()

		let task = Task(/*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/priority: .high/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/) {
			await withCheckedContinuation { c in
				currentContinuations[key] = c

		defer {
			let continuation = currentContinuations[key]
			currentTasks[key] = nil
			currentContinuations[key] = nil
		currentTasks[key] = task
		let result =  try await SerializationService.$currentDepth
			.withValue(key + 1) {
				try await closure()
		while currentContinuations[key] == nil {
			await Task.yield()

		return result

On task locals and structured concurrency

Because we use task local values, our implementation is now constrained to be used from either a structured concurrency context or unstructured tasks using Task.init. If you use Task.detached, your task will not inherit task local values, and our method won’t work properly, so be aware.


Today we implemented the missing concept from the pre-concurrency world: execution serialization. We made a service that can queue async closures and wait until the previous one is finished before starting another one. The concept is really useful in our work, and once we have it implemented, we can migrate to async/await even more easily. Next time, we’ll talk about an interesting SwiftUI case I stumbled upon at work. See you in the next article.