Implementing a countdown timer in SwiftUI

Recently at work during code review, I stumbled upon an interesting component in our design system: a countdown timer. It was implemented using the Timer type, but this brought an unwanted side effect. Eventually, I came up with a more robust solution, which I’m going to share with you today.

Initial implementation

First, let’s review the initial implementation.

public struct CountdownTimer: View {
    var timeRemaining: Int
	var timer: Timer?

	let seconds: Int
	let completionHandler: (() -> Void)?

	public init(
		_ seconds: Int = 5,
		completionHandler: (() -> Void)? = nil
	) {
		self.seconds = seconds
		self.completionHandler = completionHandler
		timeRemaining = seconds

	public var body: some View {
		VStack {
				.trim(from: CGFloat(1 - (timeRemaining / seconds)), to: 1)
					.linear(duration: TimeInterval(seconds)),
					value: timeRemaining
				.frame(width: 25, height: 25)

		.animation(.default, value: timeRemaining)
		.onAppear {

	var transition: AnyTransition {
			insertion: .opacity.combined(with: .move(edge: .top)),
			removal: .opacity.combined(with: .move(edge: .bottom))

	func stopTimer() {

	func startTimer() {
		guard timer == nil else { return }
		timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1, repeats: true) { _ in
			guard timeRemaining > 0 else {
			timeRemaining -= 1

First, the trim(from:to:) modifier (1). The from parameter equals 1 - (timeRemaining / seconds), which is basically either 0 or 1 because we’re working with Ints here. We can rewrite it using a ternary operator. Then we’re animating the change of this parameter using linear animation with the duration set to the initial time (2). What we have here is a full-length animation of our timer. This is cool because SwiftUI controls it entirely, and SwiftUI is responsible for the correctness of the animation. Then we have Text with the textual representation of the time remaining (3). It has the id(_:) modifier to reset its identity when the timeRemaining changes so that our transition(_:) modifier works and our digits animate as we want them to. What caught my attention though is the Timer (4, 5). You see, timers are tricky; one of their features is that they stop when the app moves to the background, so when we hide the application, our text and the trimmed circle go out of sync: Also, did you see that glitch when we returned back to the app? It also happens because of the Timer. We need a way to get rid of it. But first, let’s dive a little into how animations work.


Basically, any animation works by interpolating some value over time. Interpolation is a gradual change of the value depending on the progress of the animation. So if we interpolate from 0.0 to 4.0 with five ticks, we get the array of values of [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]. The same thing happens with all the values that animate in SwiftUI. The number of ticks varies depending on the time passed and the actual FPS; if you load the main thread too much, the ticks might not even be of the same length. But that’s not important for us. Timer is good, but it’s not reliable, or, at least, not as reliable as the SwiftUI animation engine. Most of the things in SwiftUI animate implicitly; all we need to do is use one of the .animation modifiers in a view or use withAnimation function to animate the state change. But how does SwiftUI understand which values to interpolate? Well, there is a special protocol for it.


Animatable is a protocol that lets us tell SwiftUI which values it can animate for our entities. I said “entities” because SwiftUI can animate not only Views, but also ViewModifiers, Shapes (which are also Views), Layouts, etc. All we need to do is conform our type to Animatable and SwiftUI will do its thing. The protocol has two requirements: a type of animatable data that conforms to VectorArithmetic so that its values can be interpolated, and a property of that type named animatableData. The value of animatableData is interpolated between an old state and the new one, and the body is called for every tick of interpolation to draw the actual view. What’s interesting is that Animatable is one of the few things in SwiftUI that has mutation in its API: the animatableData property is allowed to mutate self when the new value is set. There are also two auxiliary types to help us deal with the animatable data. One of them is EmptyAnimatableData for the cases when we don’t really animate anything; it is the default type of animatableData. The other is AnimatablePair for the cases when we have more than one value to animate. Now, how do we use it?

struct TrimmedCircle: Animatable, View {
	let from: Double
	let to: Double

	var animatableData: AnimatablePair<Double, Double> {
		get { .init(from, to) }
		set {
			from = newValue.first
			to = newValue.second

	var body: some View {
			.trim(from: from, to: to)

And now our TrimmedCircle can be animated with either .animation modifier or withAnimation function. And actually, the body of our TrimmedCircle is already animatable, and we can even find its AnimatableData:

print(type(of: Circle().trim(from: 0, to: 0).animatableData))
// AnimatablePair<EmptyAnimatableData, AnimatablePair<CGFloat, CGFloat>>

Shapes conform to Animatable by default. The trim modifier is a special wrapper shape that is also Animatable, that takes the other shape and adds to its animatableData its own animatable properties. Namely, from and to parameters. That’s why its AnimatableData has this nested structure: the first type-parameter is the AnimatableData of the wrapped shape. Now we have a basic understanding of how animations work, but how do we actually use them for our countdown timer? Let’s see.

Interpolate this

Our circle indicating progress works fine as is, but how do we animate our text using Animatable? We can’t just interpolate strings. But the string we pass in Text’s initializer is not just plain text. It’s a textual representation of the time remaining, which is Double, that can be interpolated. Let’s rewrite our CountdownTimer so that it uses an Animatable view. We can’t just make CountdownTimer itself Animatable because, in that case, we would need to apply the animation outside.

struct CountdownTimer: View {
	let seconds: TimeInterval
	let completion: () -> Void
	var progress = 1.0

	var body: some View {
		Internal(seconds: seconds, progress: progress) {
		.onAppear {
			withAnimation(.linear(duration: seconds)) {
				progress = .zero

private struct Internal: Animatable, View {
	var animatableData: Double

	let seconds: TimeInterval
	var progress: Double { animatableData }
	let completion: () -> Void

		seconds: TimeInterval,
		progress: Double,
		completion: @escaping () -> Void
	) {
		self.seconds = seconds
		animatableData = progress
		self.completion = completion

	var body: some View { /*...*/ }

Now our CountdownTimer uses a private Animatable view that will handle the animation. In the .onAppear block, we set the progress to zero to start animating the timer. Now let’s write our Internal view.

private struct Internal: Animatable, View {
	var animatableData: Double

	let seconds: TimeInterval
	var progress: Double { animatableData }
	let completion: () -> Void

		seconds: TimeInterval,
		progress: Double,
		completion: @escaping () -> Void
	) {
		self.seconds = seconds
		animatableData = progress
		self.completion = completion

	var body: some View {
		VStack {
				.trim(from: CGFloat(1 - progress), to: 1)
				.animation(.none, value: progress)
				.frame(width: 25, height: 25)
		.animation(.default, value: text)

	var text: String {
		let secondsValue = seconds * progress
		let rounded = secondsValue.rounded(.toNearestOrAwayFromZero)
		return String(Int(rounded))

	var transition: AnyTransition {
			insertion: .opacity.combined(with: .move(edge: .top)),
			removal: .opacity.combined(with: .move(edge: .bottom))

A note on .animation usage. We override the animation for our text, but we can’t just do it on the text itself. You see, the transitions are animated by the container views, so we need to apply the animation to the container. And since we applied the animation to the container, now our Circle also has that animation, so we reset it to .none because we simply don’t need it; our progress value is already interpolated by SwiftUI. All we need to do now is call the completion closure when the timer ends. This is done using .onChange(of:perform:) modifier:

private struct Internal: Animatable, View {
	var animatableData: Double

	let seconds: TimeInterval
	var progress: Double { animatableData }
	let completion: () -> Void

		seconds: TimeInterval,
		progress: Double,
		completion: @escaping () -> Void
	) { /*...*/ }

	var body: some View {
		VStack { /*...*/ }
		.animation(.default, value: text)
		/*@START_HIGHLIGHT@*/.onChange(of: progress)/*@END_HIGHLIGHT@*/ {
			if $0.isZero {

	var text: String { /*...*/ }

	var transition: AnyTransition { /*...*/ }

This needs an explanation. We change our progress directly to .zero, but SwiftUI only uses the value to get the points to interpolate between them, and the closure we pass in .onChange(of:perform:) is only called for interpolated values, so it’ll be called with a .zero value only when the timer reaches zero. Now we have a fully functional implementation.


Today we implemented a countdown timer, but we made it in such a way that we delegated all the complex stuff to SwiftUI. And now SwiftUI is responsible for synching our animations, measuring the time, and calling the completion. The solution is robust and effective. If you (or your colleague) block the main thread, the animatiipfson engine will just skip a couple of values during interpolation, but the animations will still be in sync. Next time, we’ll talk a little about the newer SwiftUI APIs. It is often impossible to use them because we have to support earlier versions of the operating system. Often, but not always. See you in the next article.